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Testing Morale


A Regiment tests Morale after Wounds are suffered as the result of an Action. Morale is tested against a Regiment’s Resolve.

Calculating a Regiment's Resolve

If there is more than one Resolve characteristic in the Regiment, use the highest, then add the following bonuses:

Bonus Requirement
+1 Ιf the Regiment consists of 4–6 Stands.
+2 Ιf the Regiment consists of 7–9 Stands.
+3 Ιf the Regiment consists of 10+ Stands.

These bonuses are not cumulative – i.e. you always use the highest.

The Morale Test

To test Morale, at the end of the Action that caused it, roll a number of dice equal to the number of Wounds suffered as a result of an Action, Rule or Draw Event.

Each result that is equal to or less than the Regiment’s Resolve Characteristic (after any bonuses, including those given above) is a pass. Each result that is greater than the Regiment’s Resolve Characteristic (after any bonuses, including those given above) is a failure.

For each failure, the Regiment suffers a Wound – it is important to note that these Wounds do not trigger further Morale Tests. These Wounds are allocated as described in Allocating Wounds and Removing Casualties on page 54.

Example: Your Regiment of Militia (Resolve 2) suffers 5 Wounds from a single Action. You roll 5 dice, scoring 1, 2, 3, 3, 6. In other words, one test is passed and three are failed. Your Regiment therefore suffers a further 3 Wounds.

Example: Your Regiment of the Order of the Crimson Tower (Resolve 4) suffers 3 Wounds. You roll 3 dice, scoring 1, 3 and 6. Two tests are passed and one is failed. Your Regiment suffers another Wound.

Broken Regiments

If, during the course of a single Turn, a Regiment loses half, or more, of its Stands it started the Turn with, it is immediately Broken. Interrupt the regular play sequence, place a Broken counter beside it as a reminder, and then resume play.

A Broken Regiment ceases to be Broken if it successfully performs a Rally Action.

Broken Regiments:

  • Receive a -2 Penalty to the Charge Distance
  • Do not receive benefits to their Resolve due to Regiment Size

Additionally, Characters in Broken Regiments:

  • May not refuse Duels
  • May as a Draw Event forego their Action(s) to remove a Broken counter from the Regiment they are in. Follow the rules of Rally or Combat Rally Actions (as appropriate) as if the Regiment had performed them.

Shattered Regiments

If a Broken Regiment loses half or more of its remaining Stands over the course of a Turn (counted from the moment it was Broken, not the Start of Turn), it is immediately Shattered. Its warriors throw down their arms and run for safety. All Stands from a Shattered Regiment are removed from the Battlefield as casualties, and the Regiment is destroyed.

Stranded Regiments

As a Regiment suffers casualties and Stands are removed, its melee opponents may find they are no longer in base contact – we refer to these as Stranded Regiments. As casualties are removed from the rearmost Stands, this commonly happens when a Regiment is fighting to its rear.

Note that only Regiments no longer in contact with any enemy Regiments count as Stranded. If, for example, a Regiment was in contact with two enemy Regiments at the start of the Action, it only counts as Stranded if it is no longer in contact with either.

Similarly, a Regiment does not count as Stranded if the only Regiment it was in contact with was completely destroyed.

Press the Attack

Once all casualties have been removed (including any from failed Morale Tests) and two or more Regiments are no longer in contact, one or both players need to ‘Press the Attack’. The First Player chooses one of their Stranded Regiments and ‘pushes’ it back into contact with the enemy Regiment by the shortest possible distance. They then choose another Stranded Regiment, and push that one back into contact, and so on, until all of their Stranded Regiments are back in contact. Once the First Player’s Stranded Regiments are all back in contact, the Second Player Presses the Attack with any Stranded Regiments of their own (although most will already be back in contact as a result of the First Player Pressing the Attack).

Pushing Regiments

When you push a Regiment, you must aim to place the same number of Stands in base contact (from both sides) as was the case before casualties were removed. If this is not possible, maximise the number of Stands in contact from both sides.

You may not use a Press the Attack push to bring your Regiment into contact with an enemy Regiment it was not in contact with before casualties were removed.

If a push cannot be completed for any reason, then the Regiment returns to its pre-push position, and remains Stranded.

Press the Attack, Impact Hits and March Special Rules.

Press the Attack pushes do not inflict Impact Hits. Nor do they benefit from any special rules triggered by March Actions, such as Fluid Formation.


Source Materials

  1. TLAoK Core Rulebook v1.5: P. 58-59

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