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Your Regiment can use a Clash Action if it is in base contact with at least one enemy Regiment. When a Clash Action is used, all Stands in contact with an enemy Stand – called Engaged Stands – Strike directly at the Regiment the enemy Stand belongs to. This includes Stands that are corner-to-corner. All Stands not in base contact with an enemy Stand are called Unengaged Stands. Unengaged Stands contribute Support Strikes.

Calculating the Number of Strikes

Before rolling To Hit, you need to determine the total number of Strikes being made.

Engaged Stands and Strikes

Each Engaged Stand makes a number of Strikes equal to the Stand’s Attacks Characteristic multiplied by the number of Models on the Stand. In this way, a Stand’s Strikes diminish as it suffers casualties. Most undamaged Stands make 4 Attacks. Certain Special Rules do not increase the Stand’s Attack Characteristic but rather add attacks to the total. E.g ‘Fury’ adds one attack to each Engaged Stands total, rather than the characteristic of the Model. Thus in a Steel Legion Stand it does not add 4 attacks, it only adds 1.

Unengaged Stands and Strikes

Each Unengaged Stand contributes 1 Support Strike, regardless of the number of Models or its Attacks Characteristic. Certain rules, such as the Support Special Rule, can modify this number.

Incomplete Ranks

If your Regiment is in contact with an enemy Regiment's flank or rear (or your Regiment is itself being attacked in the flank or rear), you'll sometimes discover that some of its Stands aren't in contact due to incomplete ranks.

When this happens, treat the enemy Regiment as being a rectangle as long and as wide as its maximum extents, ignoring the gaps created by incomplete ranks. Each of your Stands in 'contact' with this abstract rectangle is considered to be in contact for the purpose of calculating the number of Strikes.

More Than One Target

If your Regiment is in base contact with two or more enemy Regiments, the chances are that some of the Stands will be Engaged with two or more different Regiments.

If your Stand is in contact with Stands from two or more enemy Regiments, you choose which Regiment the Stand Strikes – you may not split a Stand’s Strikes between two enemy Regiments. Similarly, you can choose which of the enemy Regiments each of your Unengaged Stands Strikes. Support Strikes from a single Stand may not be split between two enemy Regiments if your Support Stand is fortunate enough to have more than one Support Strike as the result of a special rule or spell. In other words, if a Stand is contributing Support Strikes to a Clash Action, it may do so to any one (and only one) enemy Regiment in contact with its Regiment.

Resolve each set of Strikes separately, from rolling To Hit all the way through to Testing Morale.

Roll to Hit

Roll a number of dice equal to the Strikes being made.

Any die that is less than or equal to your Regiment’s Clash Characteristic is a Hit.

Any die that is greater than your Regiment’s Clash Characteristic is a Miss. Should the Clash Characteristic of the Acting Regiment’s Stand be 6 and above, that Stand gains the Relentless Blows Special Rule.

Example: Your Regiment of Militia (Clash 1) are Striking an enemy Regiment for a total of 20 Strikes. You roll 20 dice. Any results of 1 are Hits. Any results of 2 or more are misses.

Flank & Rear Attacks

If the Active Regiment is attacking the enemy in the Flank or the Rear, your opponent must re-roll any successful Morale Tests (see page 58). You’ve caught the enemy unprepared, with their attention turned to the front – it’s time to reap the benefits as panic sweeps through their ranks.

The Defense Roll

Now, your opponent rolls a number of dice equal to the number of Hits your Stands have inflicted.

Any roll that is less than or equal to their Regiment’s Defence Characteristic – or is less than or equal to the Regiment’s Evasion Characteristic – is a successful Injury Roll. The Regiment’s armour or reflexes have saved them on this occasion.

Any roll that is greater than both their Regiment’s Defence Characteristic and its Evasion Characteristic is a failed Injury Roll and causes a Wound.

Note that you only make one roll, which is compared to both the Defence and Evasion Characteristics. Also note that the Injury Roll is an exception to the rule that any die roll of ‘1’ is an automatic success. If your Regiment has a Defence and Evasion of 0 (or has its Characteristics reduced to 0 by a Special Rule), it cannot pass an Injury Roll.

Example 1: Your Regiment of Gilded Legion (Defense 3) suffers 6 Hits. You therefore roll 6 dice, needing to roll a 3 or less on each. You roll 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5. Three results are equal to or less than 3, preventing 3 of the possible 6 Wounds.

Example 2: Your Regiment of Vanguard Clone Infiltrators (Defense 1, Evasion 2) suffers 6 Hits. As your Evasion is higher than your Defense, you therefore need to roll a 2 or less on each die. You roll 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, preventing 3 of the possible 6 Wounds.

Example 3: Your Regiment of Centaur Avatara (Defense 4, Evasion 1) suffers 4 Hits with the Smite Special Rule, which reduces their Defense to 0 for this Clash. You therefore need to roll equal to or lower than the Evasion Characteristic of 1 to prevent Wounds.

Removing Casualties and Testing Morale

Tally up the number of Wounds into a Wound Pool, and proceed to Removing Casualties (see page 54). After that, your opponent may have to Test Morale (see page 58).


Source Materials

  1. TLAoK Core Rulebook v1.5: P. 44-47

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